Android FirmwarePolls

[POLL] What are you looking forward to in ICS

So, I know this probably went out about a month ago on other blogs etc…, once Google released the Galaxy Nexus people talked all about the features.

But with the recent announcements about the nexus’ impending release into the great white North I figured it got us all thinking about what ICS will bring us as we’re probably debating what we’ll do with the release. Do we get the new phone, or wait for an update on one we already have?

So that’s why I wanted to see what you, our readers think. [Because we really do care about what you think – it helps us frame what we write] Plus it’s a way for me to test this new power I may (or may not have) with the blog to put polls, and use my favourite webapp — Google Docs.

Hardware aside, what are the features of ICS that you look forward to having on your phone?


Now, much of the options you probably have already with a honeycomb tablet [like bookmarks sync – however mine don’t work quite so well]

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