Android FirmwareAndroid Phones

The Phone That Never Dies…

Okay, let me preface this by saying this isn’t really news and you shouldn’t really do this but it’s cool nonetheless…Now to the story.

Many of us are quite fond of the developer community.  They have a habit of keeping our old, seemingly useless, devices running strong.  They do some ridiculous things and sometimes take on a challenge just for the sake of it.  That’s seems to be exactly what a group called SoCal Devs are all about.

They have ported a semi-functional version of CM10 over to the very first android device, the HTC G1.  As the guys say in the video, the port is “It’s certainly not fast, it’s certainly not stable, but it’s happening.”   And as you can see, that’s completely accurate.

Despite the terrible performance, I love it.  The G1/Dream was my first ever Android phone and my first ever dip into the Dev community.  And even though I’ve long since sold it and moved through many other phones, it still has a little spot in my heart.  If I still had it I’d definitely be giving this a try.

For those of you who still have one kicking around, let us know if you try it out.  But if you’re using the Dream as your daily… probably stay away from this for now.


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