Samsung May Be Rebranding The Nexus 10: Codenamed Roma

Samsung Roma


Samsung is known for churning out a lot of devices.  That’s one of the reasons they’re one of the top manufacturers in the world right now.  Well here’s another one that could be joining the line up soon enough.  A device has surfaced online under the codename Roma (this name isn’t new, it has surfaced before).  So what is the Roma?  Well it’s essentially a Samsung branded Nexus 10 that has been Touch-Wiz-Ified (that’s probably a made up word:) ).  The specs are nearly identical to the Nexus 10:

The key differences between this and the Nexus 10 (minus TouchWiz) that could really sway buyers is the micro-SD Card Slot and the 4G LTE capabilities.  I for one like having expandable storage on my device.  Until we get to a point where we all have unlimited data plans and can keep all things stored in the cloud, I need the expandable space.  The 4G option is also a big draw for potential buyers as they want their device to be connected all the time.

Now this device is confirmed so take it with a grain of salt.  However, seeing that this has surfaced a couple of times now I wouldn’t be surprised to see it release in the near future, possibly under the Galaxy Tab branding.

[GSM Arena]

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