Samsung Working On Octo-Core Chips

What does an Octopus have to do with anything technology related?  Well it shares a very special number with Samsung’s next generation of processors.  That’s right, Samsung is reportedly working on Octo-Core processors .  Apparently 4 cores just weren’t enough for them.

According to reports, the octo-core chips are going to be following the Tegra 3 companion core idea.  But instead of having just one core to do the low-end processing, you’ll have four super efficient cores to get those menial tasks done on the phone.  This should help out with battery life, which is becoming a growing concern among many users nowadays.

There’s no word on when these devices will come to market or what devices will be utilizing them but it may make its debut in February at the Solid State Circuits Conference.  And although no devices are mentioned at the time, expect them to show up in the Galaxy series of devices probably sooner than we think.


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