
Pending Developer Compliance Google Play Will Display Tablet Optimized Screenshots


If I had a nickel for every time I downloaded an app on my tablet from the Google Play Store only to have it look like complete crap because it was not designed for tablets I would be working my way through a medium slurpee right now. Not the most egregious of offenses but definitely an annoyance for tablet owners.

But good news everybody! Google has updated its developer console to allow screenshots specific to 7-inch and 10-inch screens giving us the opportunity to be disappointed the app that is so pretty on our phone will be ugly on our tablet before we go through the trouble of downloading it.

This of course being contingent on developers doing their part and uploading the appropriate images, with no reason to believe they wouldn’t.  We will soon be able to peruse the Play Store with full knowledge we will be able to verify whether or not a particular app look like silly putty stretched over your knee.


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