Android Phones

Google Translate Is Getting Supercharged!

Google Translate - 1

Google Translate is definitely one of Google’s most powerful tools.  According to Google, over 500 million people translate over 100 billion words each day via Google Translate and now Google has made it even easier for Android users!

Google has just implemented a new feature into their Translate app that allows you to translate words and phrases without having to switch apps!  You simply highlight the words that you’re wanting to translate from your current app, click the 3 dots that pop up and voilà, Translate is up and ready to go.

Now there are currently some restrictions to this new feature.  The biggest hurdle, currently, is that this handy feature is only available on devices running Android 6.0.  In other words, you need to be using a Nexus device to be able to use this feature.  Secondly, you need to have the latest Translate app which should be rolling out to all regions this week if it hasn’t already.  Lastly, it appears that only some apps have this capability currently.  I’ve tried using the feature on a few different apps and only about 50% of them supported the new feature.  I’m sure this will be more widely available in the coming months.

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