Android Phones

Galaxy S4 Sales Have Reached Over 40 Million

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There are several reports circulating the web right now talking about how Samsung has been disappointed with the sales of their most recent flagship, the Galaxy S4.  Well according to this latest story, Samsung shouldn’t have a whole lot to be disappointed about.  According to Korean news site inews24, Samsung CEO, JK Shin, has stated that the S4 has surpassed the 40 million mark.  Assuming this number is accurate, this puts them ahead of the S3 in terms of the time taken to reach that mark.

Now it’s possible that Samsung had set even higher goals than this and that’s why they’re “disappointed.”  Growth between the S1 to S2 and S2 to S3 was much more apparent so in that sense, sales have been “slower.”  However, the market will eventually plateau and it does seem a little unreasonable to expect tons of growth each year.

Nonetheless, I like that Samsung is pushing forward trying to capture even more of the market.  They’re efforts should translate to more innovation and competition which ultimately benefits us, the consumer, in the end.  If, and that’s a big if, Samsung can pack all of their new tech into the S5 (flexible display, flexible battery, new camera, new design), it’s possible that numbers on the S5 will be even more amazing than these.

/ inews24



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