Android Firmware

Rogers Releases Jelly Bean Update Schedule

Great news Rogers customers, it looks like a handful of devices will be getting their Jelly Beans just in time for Christmas.  According to a post over on the Rogers Community Forum, the Galaxy S III is first in line to land the update.  That update should be coming by the end of November.

Two other Samsung devices, the Galaxy Note and Galaxy S II, are expected to get their update at the end of December.  And to round it all out, the Motorola RAZR HD is also expected to land the Jelly Bean update at the end of December.

Great news for anyone using these devices.  I already anticipate that the Galaxy Note and Galaxy S II are going to be re-invigorated with the new update.  However, the Galaxy S III and Motorola RAZR HD will also get a boost in their already solid performance with the new OS.

I’ll keep you posted if any more exact dates pop up.

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