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Motorola Xoom Pushes ICS Update Slowly

I had mentioned a while ago in a post that Motorola Xoom was going to be one of the first tablets to get the Ice Cream Sandwich update, turns out that they are pushing it sooner than I thought.

Here’s the email popping into inboxes of those who signed up for the Xoom “Google Experience Device” Testing.

Thanks for your patience as we’ve waited for this project to begin. Because we are dealing with a Google Experience Device (GED) we have less insight to timing than we would usually have.
However, I’m happy to announce that we will start the update this evening. Because it was delayed a few days, we will also have additional time to test; we will let it run through the weekend.
Remember to keep your feedback in the private community provided, and in the survey I will send after a few days.
Note that you will not be able to post on the other areas of the site during the soak — this project is confidential.
(If you have not yet logged into the new forums site, you will need to do so. Please follow all instructions before sending emails here for help.)
– Matt
  Motorola Owners’ Forum
  Motorola Feedback Network

ICS is rolls out to test participants starting at 9pm PST 1/12/2024 and will continue throughout the weekend. Assuming there is no extreme issues that are discovered, Motorola says they will very likely release this update to the masses. A group of some thousands of Xoom Wi-Fi owners will receive the software upgrade which includes some random participants outside of testing as well it seems. Good luck Xoom owners!

It is unclear at this time if Canadians will bask in the ICS goodness, or if this is a U.S thing only.

[Source: TalkAndroid]

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