Plume for Android Updated to 4.0

The quiet horse in the race of alternate twitter clients has just been given a boost.

After getting a major overhaul to version 3.0 back in early April, Plume for Android was updated yesterday with some major additions. Of note is the added support for multiple accounts, including Facebook accounts. This is a welcome addition as it has been a request from users for a while (me included).

You will have to first login to your accounts through the settings menu, but once that is done, everything else is seamless.

Adding Twitter and Facebook Accounts

Select Account to Tweet Through

Tab Created for Facebook Updates









In addition to allowing you to send using multiple Twitter and Facebook accounts, Plume also creates a nice little Facebook Tab to keep you updated with your newsfeed.  I’m not sure about everyone else, but that new tab didn’t really strike me as appealing. Perhaps it’s time to clean up my Facebook stream…

Unfortunately, the widget does not include these updates, so if you really need them, you will have to stick to other clients or widget apps that include both Twitter and Facebook posts (like APW).

“But Mark, what about mine and my friends’ facebook wall posts?! Why can’t I see them?”

The answer is, you can! Viewing your own profile gives you a choice of any of your Twitter and Facebook profiles, and when you click on a Facebook account, you are greeted with your wall posts and lists of your friends and likes you have given out.

Clicking on a friend will bring you to their wall where you can see their posts, friends and likes. The same goes for if you click on a Facebook Pages Profile.

Additionally, the update also include regional trending, where you can see what topics are trending in your home country (Oh Canada!) or any other region, including major cities. Of course, you can then create a new tab from any trending topic if it strikes your fancy. So far there are only a few cities on the list, but that may be updated later on.

There is also support for profile sharing via NFC, but I wasn’t able to figure out how to get that to work. Has anyone given that a try?

So, what does everyone think? Does anyone use Plume or are most people using other Twitter clients/Native Client? If you use something else, do these updates make you consider switching to Plume? Let us know below!


– add Facebook support
– add support for multiple accounts sending
– add support for regional trends
– add Instagram and Flickr pictures preview
– add Profile sharing via NFC
– bring back the jump to top menu action
– allow adding/removing users from your lists
– make the ‘x new tweets’ item clickable to refresh the list
– fix the DM reply from the widget on Android 3.0+
– fix the display of ‘retweets of me’ (now slower)
– disable the airplane mode check

[Google Play Store]

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