@AndroidTO, here I come! Want to come too? [2 free tickets]

Yup, yesterday I posted about the AndroidTO conference.  Well, it looks like my schedule is cleared and I can get on down there.  Thanks to Anthony over at the organizing party they’ve let me in as ‘press’ (my wife jokes, saying I should go on in with a Jimmy Olsen press hat).  Thanks again Anthony.

Not only has Anthony looked to help make the $200 price tag easier to swallow (again, for a conference like this, it’s not a bad price), he’s actually gone and provided a discount code for you to go.  Use “AndroidArmy” when you register and you’ll get 50% off.



So it’s only $100 to go now, or $25 if you’re a student.  You really get a bargain at that.

And, here’s where it’s even cooler.  Anthony wants to give 2 more free tickets away.  How can you get them?  Well, comment below, or tweet to us and Anthony why you think YOU should get them.  (in your tweet use our @androidincanada and @androidto handles so we can see)

That’s it.  I’ll let you know who gets to go for free on Friday!  And I’ll see them there!

use Google Maps, so you can find it… none of that Apple Maps, or we’ll never get to hang out

Now… what should I do while I’m there?  What workshops to attend?  Who to talk to?  Who to interview… do you guys want to hear from app developers?  Manufacturers…?

Let me know.  And if you have a design for a cool shirt I should wear while there, let me know that too!

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