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Got Taste for an Android Jelly Bean Plush or Other Accessories?

For those of you who follow me on Google+, you’ll know that I’m a crazy addict when it comes to purchasing accessories and useless Android crap on the internet. Normally I keep the stuff I have for a while, then end up having some giveaways to pass the collection slowly into your hands.

Today I found an Android Plush who’s been Nom’ing on some yummy jelly beans.

Jealous? I kinda was, because we are all chasing the jelly bean goodness. Looks like this little guy has already had his fill. **Cough… yeah, I found that to be a little lame too…**

But in all seriousness, the sister site to, CruzerLite has some pretty interesting things for sale for those Android collectors like me.

Perhaps you like a little AOKP Unicorn porn (as they call it).

 Or just some good ol’ fashion cases

No matter what you’re in the mood for, chances are CruzerLite or AndroidSwag will have something to fill the need for some guilty pleasure treasure you have within yourself. So if you got a little free time tonight, why not take gander over yonder?

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