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Samsung Store in Canada? iPhoners, You’re About to Get Samsung’d Again!

According to an article in the Financial Post, Samsung Canada is planning to open at least one retail location “later this year”, plus roll out more of these “store-within-a-store” concepts. Plans are still being worked out as to the specific location, but early guesses are that it’ll be in Toronto’s Yorkdale Mall.

Samsung Canada president James Politeski said:

We definitely want consumers to experience the Samsung brand in a way that they have not experienced it before. We want them to see everything that Samsung can bring to them … we want to give consumers the opportunity to experience the brand and the products in a way that they’ve never seen before, that really takes that experience up.

So it seems Samsung is going to test the waters, and see if the Samsung Store is something Canadians are willing to accept and support. Should popularity sky rocket, surely we’ll see more locations slowly appear in various areas. Of course it would most likely be a length process, but it sure would help put the squeeze on Apple. Imagine a one stop shop where you could walk in and out with you new unlocked Galaxy S III in hand.

Android has been gaining a lot of popularity over the years. Apple loyalists are slowly being swayed to the dark side by the Androids large and Super AMOLD screens. People are slowly starting to realize there’s only so much you can do with 3 and a half inches, it always leaves you wanting something bigger. [Insert joke here]

Yea yea yea, I know a lot of you Apple fans will disagree, but sooner or later you all know you’ll get Samsung’d.

Still disagree? State your case in the comments below. :P

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