Is This The Real Motorola X Phone?

Motorola X Leak

Many out there, including myself, are anxiously awaiting the revival of Motorola with its new owners Google leading the charge.  The first of the Google spearheaded device is supposed to be the Motorola X Phone.  This device has been talked about a lot over the past few months but for the most part we’re pretty much in the dark about it.  Well thanks to renowned leaker EvLeaks we may have just gotten our first real glimpse at the X Phone which is carrying the codename Ghost.

According to Phone Arena, their sources say that the leaked pictures are real and that the phone is not in any sort of case to hide the true device.  Apparently what what you see is what you get.  And as you can see in the picture below, the back does not appear to be made out of metal or kevlar but it is said to be made of polycarbonate instead.  You’ll also see on the back that the phone is labeled “XFON ATT” which means that even if this becomes some sort of exclusive for AT&T, it will still work for us here in Canada (minus WIND and Mobilicity).

Another interesting tid bit that came from Phone Arena’s source is that the Motorola logo you see on the top of the device likely won’t be on the final device.  Apparently the logo is something that is thrown onto all developer prototypes to distinguish them.  So if you think it looks tacky and out of place you shouldn’t need to worry to much as it likely won’t show up on the final product.

One really great piece of news that again comes from PhoneArena’s source is that the device is not behind schedule but will still make it’s July launch date.  If this is true, we really don’t have too long to wait before we’ll finally see the new and improved Google-orla.

In terms of the specs, they still line up with previous rumours.  We should be expecting a 4.7″ 1080p display, 2GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage.  On the software side, the device is indeed running stock Android.  The only Motorola additions that we’ll find in the software will come in the form of widgets rather than skins.  We can also expect the device to come in at least 20 colours which could be pretty cool!


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