Rogers: Canada's Mobile Telecom Giants

Rogers To Release Lollipop For Xperia Z3 In March

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If you own a Rogers Xperia Z1 or Z3, then this post is for you.


Rogers has recently updated their OS upgrade page and it now includes the Xperia Z1 and Z3 and their current OS update status. It seems like the Rogers Z3 will receive Lollipop in March, while the Z1 will receive it in April. Sony has previously said that they will begin updating the Z3 and Z2 this month.

Carriers are known to do to extra quality assurance on OTAs for their phones which is why there’s a delay.

Vodafone Australia has also started testing the Lollipop update but the page similar to Rogers’ lists the update coming out this month.

If you bought the Z2 or Z3 from any Sony Store, you’ll be the first ones to receive the update once it gets released.

[XperiaBlog (1), (2) / Rogers]

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