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Touch ClockworkMod Recovery Officially Released (Video)

A couple days ago I talked about the touch based clockworkmod recovery that was floating around Google+. If you missed that article, you can find it here.

( I rarely make videos, so please be gental of my mistakes :P )

As you can see from the video, It looks and acts exactly the same as the classic clockworkmod. Obviously touch interaction plays a roll now, but you’re still able to use the volume and power keys if you still feel comfortable with that input method.

Currently the touch based recovery only supports the following phones:

  • Galaxy Nexus – GSM
  • Galaxy Nexus – CDMA
  • Galaxy S
  • Galaxy S 4G
  • HTC Desire
  • HTC Desire HD
  • HTC Evo 3D
  • HTC Evo
  • Motorola Atrix 4G

The list is small, but as time goes on Koushik Dutta will defiantly be working on bringing us more compatibility for a wider range of devices.

If you’re looking to score this recovery for free, you can find it here.

If you want to support the developer (Please do!) you can download Rom Manager from the Android Market and buy the touch recovery from there. Remember, all devs rely on our support verbally and finically to keep producing quality apps.

Link to Rom Manager via Android Market


I personally would like to recognize and thank Mark Lastiwka.  He bought this recovery to my attention, and has done a fantastic job keeping me informed on this and various other stories.

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