Android TabletsNews

Transformer Prime not to ship with ICS – will receive update

So, I have a few friends in my G+ stream who are just drooling over the November 9th pre-Christmas “Christmas for them day” as the day that the Transformer Prime will be available.

Today we received some sour news about the long sought after tablet; that it will ship with just Honeycomb [which version they don’t say, but the original is rocking 3.2 [3.2.1?], so it should come with that at least]. However, they did say that the tablet, and multiple others, would receive the update in early December.

That last bit brought a quirked smile to my face. I think that is the earliest estimation so far for ICS to be updated to ‘anything’. I think I’m going to win that bet that my eeePad will get ICS before anybody else.

Follow Ryan on G+

Oh, and here’s my shameless plug for more space!

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