Refurbished Samsung Galaxy Note 7R Will Sell for a Lot of Money

A few months ago we heard of Samsung’s alleged plans of sell refurbished Galaxy Note7 units in emerging markets. Well it seems the Korean tech giant is actually going through with it, but the refurbished model won’t make it on markets like India or the Philippines.

According to a report from ETNews, the new version dubbed Galaxy Note 7R will be sold in South Korea come this July. We’re also told the device will be sold for approximately $841 CAD. The refurbished unit is 29% cheaper than the original product which sold for approx. $1,186 CAD in the country.

However, that does not make the Galaxy Note 7R cheap – far from it. It remains to be seen whether brand loyalists are actually going to go ahead and buy the refurbished device, when they could be getting a new phone instead.

The Galaxy Note 7R will ship with a smaller battery than the 3,500 mAh power house which originally powered the entrails of the Note7, which will hopefully makes it safe to use.

We don’t expect Samsung to start selling the refurbished units in the Canada or the US, but who knows. If the strategy proves successful, Samsung might want to eventually bring out the second Note7 to other markets.


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