Future Shop’s Newest North Van. Location Integrates Online Experience In-Store

future shop north vancouver

On Friday, November 2nd, Future Shop opened a new web integrated and the most tech forward “FutureShop.ca” store ever in North Vancouver.This location is the first of its kind in all of Canada to offer this new and exciting way to shop, creating a seamless experience between in-person and online shopping within a 5000 sq. ft store (which is one-fifth the size of a regular store).

The FutureShop.ca store aims to integrate a multi-channel retail storefront with the strength of knowledgable Product Experts and a newly expanded online department that offers products from baby care, tools, furniture, and even ice fishing huts.

So why the smaller store?

As the leading electronic merchant in Canada with 149 stores, Future Shop is now geared towards expanding into unexplored markets. The smaller FutureShop.ca stores are determined according to region and market place demand.

Despite the shrunken size and in-store product selection, the shopping experience more than makes up for it. Instead of the large warehouse feel with inventory shelved all over the store walls, this concept store looks high end with clean lines of sight throughout the store. It has the sophisticated feel of an Apple Store but with a bit of Canadian red that pops.

The concept store is stocked with only 1,000 of the top-selling electronics carried at Future Shop versus 3500 products at big box locations. An example would be how there are 44 TV models on demo versus 88 at a regular store.

Despite the store size, customer service and experiences are enhanced with more than a dozen tablets and desktop computers placed throughout the store giving customers access to a deep catalogue of nearly 60,000 SKUs offered online.

Moreover, every product expert within the store is equipped with an iPad or Motorola tablet to assist customers with their purchases, including demonstrations, price comparison shopping and even being able to complete a full sales transaction–all from the palm of their hands. Even customer service reps are equipped with wireless microphones to improve efficiency and productivity.

Furthermore, product knowledge is store wide. No more departmentalized assigned customer service. Larry Richardson, senior manager of operations at Future Shop:

“Every Futureshop.ca store’s Product Experts are cross-trained, meaning they are knowledgeable in every department of the store with flexibility to help customers from one department to the next,”  

Next month, Future Shop will open a second Futureshop.ca store in Brockville, Ontario. Let us know what you think of this newest store from Future Shop.

AndroidinCanada.ca was invited to Future Shop’s media preview of their new North Vancouver location. Written and photographed by Danny Chang. 

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