DroidShooting, A Fun Little Game for Your Android
I grabbed this game off the Android Market called DroidShooting. I normally don’t do many app reviews, but this game really caught my attention.
The game is advertised as “AR (augmented reality) applied a new type of shooter ever!”
This game is an interesting twist on the first person shooter style. You are placed in an open 360 degree environment, where the background is used by the users camera. The object is to spin around the room while shooting these flying androids, all the while trying to beat the clock. You are given a few weapons to choose from such as the primary lazer, shotgun, and rockets to destroy these little flying androids before they either kill you, or your time runs out.
This is a very simple game that anyone at any age can enjoy.
If you got a couple minutes to kill, I recommend checking this little game out.
You can find it here FREE on the Android Market