
Here are 3 Possible Features of Android O

Google is hard at work preparing the next version of Android – which is probably going to be called Oreo. Naturally the new OS is going to bring new features to the table, but according to a new report coming from Venture Beat it seems like Google is going to be focusing a lot on “smart features” this year.

Sources familiar with the matter revealed that when Android O makes a debut, it might come with three new features. The operative word being “might”.

One of them is called “Copy Less”. As the name suggests, this feature aims to minimize the amount copy/pasting between apps. Imagine you are chatting with a friend talking about getting together to check out a spot you discovered on Yelp. With Copy Less, wouldn’t need to copy the address from Yelp and then head back to the messaging app once again to paste it. The messaging app would simply generate the address (as a suggestion) once you type “it’s at”.

Another feature would enable smart links. So in the future, if you ever receive a text which features an address, the app will recognize it as one and suggest you open it with a relevant app such as Google Maps.

Last but not least, Google is prepping a feat which resembles Huawei’s Knuckle gestures. The example given has a user opening the Calendar app simply by drawing a ‘C’ on the display.

What do you think? Would these features prove useful to you?

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