
#patentfun September 23, 2024

#Patentfun is the weekly round up of articles that cover the legal troubles that have encompassed the Android OS.

ITC to Investigate Apple for Patent Infringment, Motorola Looks to Ban iPhones, iPads, and Mac Computers

I’m definitely interested to hear the findings on this one.  If not for ‘actual infringement’, but looking at just general patent system abuse.

War must go on – Samsung to attack iPhone 5 with infringement claims on eight patents

It’s almost been a solid week since the iPhone 5, and yet I still haven’t seen any filings from Sammie on the LTE patents.

German court says Samsung and Motorola don’t infringe Apple’s touch event model patent

This is the one that Samsung had to come out and say how their use of a ‘touch’ is different than Apple’s (saying it was inferior in another sense).  We talked about this in our hangout on Friday – and I’ve made this point before;  2 companies can come up with the same idea, but how it’s ‘implemented’, or the algorithm it uses should be different… otherwise it’s copyright infringement.  There shouldn’t be patents on ‘ideas’.

Microsoft wins patent injunction against Google in German court

Like I said in the Hangout… Germany is just one weird whacky lawsuit land.

“…Android infringes on Microsoft’s patent for a ”soft input panel system and method.”  So I guess the win against Samsung doesn’t have any say in it.

What would be interesting now is whether Microsoft now sues Apple… that’d be cool.  All out ROYAL RUMBLE, FREE FOR ALL MELEE legal battles.

Apple is in trouble for copying Switzerland’s famous railway clock

Yeah, somebody other than a troll or another cellular company with a legitimate ACTUAL claim.  Refreshing.

True, they haven’t filed anything yet, but … it’s still early.

Troll Alert

Patent troll hits Google and Apple with a big fat patent infringement claim


Skyhook Wireless files new lawsuit against Google over 9 U.S. geolocation patents

the nine patents-in-suit:

  1. U.S. Patent No. 7,856,234 on a “system and method for estimating positioning error within a WLAN-based positioning system”
  2. U.S. Patent No. 8,019,357 on a “system and method for estimating positioning error within a WLAN-based positioning system” (yes, same title as the previous one)
  3. U.S. Patent No. 8,022,877 on “systems and methods for using a satellite positioning system to detect moved WLAN access points”
  4. U.S. Patent No, 8,154,454 on “systems and methods for using a satellite positioning system to detect moved WLAN access points”
  5. U.S. Patent No. 8,223,074 on “systems and methods for using a satellite positioning system to detect moved WLAN access points”
  6. U.S. Patent No. 8,242,960 on “systems and methods for using a satellite positioning system to detect moved WLAN access points”
  7. U.S. Patent No, 8,229,455 on a “system and method of gathering and caching WLAN packet information to improve position estimates of a WLAN positioning device”
  8. U.S. Patent No. 8,054,219 on “systems and methods for determining position using a WLAN-PS estimated position as an initial position in a hybrid positioning system”
  9. U.S. Patent No. 7,471,954 on “methods and systems for estimating a user position in a WLAN positioning system based on user assigned access point locations”

    Google, Stack Exchange, and USPTO Giving The People Power To Squash Patent Trolls For Good

    Crowdsource platform to help shoot down bad patents

    Google’s getting involved with this one, along with Stack Exchange and the USPTO to take a look at ‘overbroad’ patents… hmm… maybe something involving ’rounded corners’?

Apple v. Samsung

There just is no end in sight for coming outs from this trial.

Samsung Asks Federal Circuit For Limited Remand so Judge Koh Can Dissolve Preliminary Injunction of Galaxy 10.1 ~pj

This is just something I thought would be obvious… but apparently it’s not.  When in the ‘mega trial’ the Galaxy Tab was found not to infringe, it didn’t automatically undo an injunction from another trial where it was said that it did.

Sammie’s just hoping to get that ‘uhh, d’uh’ motion filed.

Apple Wants $707 Million More of Samsung’s Money Over Patent Infringement [Apple Vs Samsung]

So, as we’re hearing that the original billion is so ‘out of whack’ lately, and how undoubtedly it will be reduced (if not removed entirely in my opinion), Apple’s wanting to not only INCREASE the damage, but upgrade to full out bans!

Samsung Asks for JMOL, or New Trial and Remittitur – Says Apple v. Samsung Trial Was Not Fair; Jury Messed Up ~pj

Groklaw has been pretty much on the mark for how they’ve scored things and this should be an interesting development.

Samsung figured out how the jury arrived at its damages figures (except for the Galaxy Tab 10.1)

I didn’t think they could have done the math that quick

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