
#patentfun May 21 – 27, 2024

#patentfun is the weekly round up of all the articles pertaining to the legal battles that continues ot embattle the Android OS.

Someone uploaded to Visual.ly a great patent infographic, if you want to dissect, who’s doing what to whom in the courtrooms.

Apple seek to ban the Samsung Galaxy Tab in the US (again)

This old trick again?  What’s going to change this time?

Samsung asks court to impose sanctions on Apple for allegedly withholding evidence

Apple not playing fair?  Say it ain’t so.

[note, re-read those 2 sentences with some sarcasm and with that Nicholas Cage “you don’t say” meme]

AppleSamsung settlement talks apparently ended without an agreement

Colour me surprised!

Case goes to trial June 7th.

Jury doesn’t find Google to infringe two Oracle patents — but the litigation is far from over

Take this title in contrast to the plethora of “GOOGLE WINS” story headlines we’ve seen this past week.

FOSS obviously has a stake against Google winning, hence the overtones he has had lately.

But the good news is that the majority of the work and ‘scare’ has been taken out of the Oracle v. Google case.  Now just some crying and some paper work (definitely an appeal or 2) to get over.

Apple files patent application for the “Optical stylus”

You can smell where this patent is going pretty quickly… straight to a patent hearing.

I hope the judge that will eventually hear this case will know what it also smells like… bad apples.

German court hands down injunction in Microsoft patent spat with Motorola

It’s funny, not a few weeks ago, Motorola was the one being handed all the wins in Germany.  I think this is completely telling of how ‘random’ and crazy a space this Patent War is, that it can switch winners back and forth so often, and so easily

Google’s Motorola wants Apple to pay $347 million for past use of two wireless patents in the U.S.

I’m really starting to take a everything FOSS says these days with a grain of salt, and you can quickly start to see his ‘criticism’ of Android/Google in his articles.

Now this is one of those articles I’ve been shying away from, as it tends to deal with 3G/4G tech, rather than Android OS specific, but I include it as a precursor not only for FOSS’s growing seemingly contempt for all things Google, but also as we now start seeing Google and Motorola act together.


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