Funny Friday #23

Welcome to Funny Friday. The once a week event created to remind people to smile in these often dark times.

This weeks episode is dedicated to video games. I have been searching around for a great game to play, but my wife won’t let me buy any due to christmas being to close lol.

So here is a couple episodes from DasBoSchitt the creator of Gmod Idiot box. A hilarious series put together using the Half-Life 2 open source engine.

**Please note that there are some mild adult humour/language in the these videos**


These are the first 3 of 10 episodes currently out, and more to come in the future. If you like these videos, just remember DasBoSchitt

As always, Android in Canada thanks Google, YouTube and their massive amounts of users for an endless supply of videos.



Want to get additional information, or chat with Tom Gray? You can find him on his Google+ page.

Link to Tom Gray’s Google+ Page )



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