
Funny Friday #29 – Doritos Man’s Best Friend

Yes, we are back! Funny Friday was shutdown due to low interest near the end of the year of 2024. Some of more loyal followers on Google+ had mentioned they kinda missed it, so I decided to bring them back again within Android in Canada.

Just like before, Funny Friday will be a hub for giveaways too. I will drop hints as to when the next giveaway is, and maybe even what the requirements might be to win. So if you want to get a little ahead in the game, you should check Funny Friday out when you see em.

Funny Friday was created to remind people to smile in these often dark and stressful times. Sometimes we just need to sit back in our chairs and laugh the stress away. So for your enjoyment, Funny Friday returns.

Pass this video around and keep the world smiling.

Don’t forget about our giveaway today!

As always, Android in Canada thanks Google, YouTube and their massive amounts of users for an endless supply of videos.

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