
Funny Friday #3 + FREE Giveaway Contest!

(Contest is now closed)

Welcome back to the third edition of Funny Friday, where we are giving away a prize this time around.

Whats up for grabs?  I have a $20 Gift Card to Futureshop.  Yes this gift is fairly small, but if you help grow Funny Friday the gifts will grow as well.

How do we win? In spirit of Funny Friday, your entry will be in a form of a joke that you will post as a comment. We will determine the funniest joke and reward them with the winning prize.  Keep in mind that originality is key as jokes that people have not heard before are often the most funny.

Requirements and Restrictions.

  • Must be a resident of Canada.
  • Only one entry per person. Additional attempts by the same person will be disqualified.
  • Duplicate jokes will go to the person who posted first.
  • There must be at LEAST 10 entries for a prize to be awarded. (Spread the word)
  • If there is less then 10 entries the contest will be pushed to the following week.
  • !Importent! All jokes must be PG13. Avoid extremely offensive, racist, religious, and vulgar language. This is a family friendly blog and I intend on keeping it that way. Jokes that cross these lines will be deleted and removed from the contest.

The winner will be selected and posted in the next edition of Funny Friday (FF#4) along with their joke.

Be sure to include your REAL e-mail when posting your joke, so that I may contact the winner.

Good luck! you have one week to spread the word and come up with your best joke.

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