Android Phones

Sony Honami Gets Pictured! Looks Like It’ll Debut July 4 In Paris

Sony is really on a roll lately.  Their Xperia Z was well received when it debuted, their Xperia Z Ultra is garnering a lot of attention (but frankly, it’s a pretty hard device to miss) and now it looks like their next flagship device is ready to break through.  The pictures you’re seeing above are reportedly of their upcoming Sony Honami, the first device in their new line of Sony One devices.

As stated before, this device is supposed to bring the best of all the Sony departments and cram it into one phone to rule them all.  Rumoured specs include the Snapdragon 800 processor, Adreno 330 GPU and 20MP camera.  Design wise, it shares a lot with the Xperia Z but looks to have metal back rather than glass.  It also appears as though the screen run right to the edge but their could still be a bezel in there.  The phone also comes equipped with a microSD card slot, a rather large speaker grill on the bottom, and some sort of magnetic pin adapter (looks identical to the on on the Xperia Z Ultra.

Despite the fact that the Xperia Z was only launched this January, Sony seems eager to get this out there as it is expected to debut on July 4.  If you look at the invitation we shared with you before (see picture below), the device on the invite looks a lot like (if not identical to) the pictures above.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to see this device in action.  I think Sony has won me back after several years with Samsung.  I can easily picture the Xperia Z Ultra or Honami being my next device.

Sony Invite

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