Android PhonesNewsPress Event

Samsung Mobile Unpacked 2024, TODAY!

Some blogs get the chance to get there, unfortunately, that’s not us.  But I’m here to remind everybody that today is the day that we’re going to get to see the new Samsung Galaxy S3.

For those of you who missed all the hooplah about the new S3, there’s a ton of rumours about what it’ll look like and have internally.  All will be dispelled and revealed today.

The event is taking place in London, which means that they are 5 hours ahead (if, like me you’re in EST… ), which means I’ll be checking out the site (hopefully) at 2pm.  For those of you in Tom’s neck of the woods, that’s 11am.

What are your bets?  I’ve steered clear of all the rumours after the last “Nexus Prime” scenario; what comes, comes.

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