Android FirmwareNewsRooting

Confirmed 4.0.4 ICS Very Slowly Being Pushed to Galaxy Nexus & Nexus S

Late last week I posted that Google officially announced they had released 4.0.4 for the Galaxy Nexus and Nexus S, and other devices to follow weeks later. You can find that article here.

Since that article went live, it has had many hopeful viewers on it looking for their chance to get ICS 4.0.4 on their phones as well. I have been bombarded with comments and private messages the last couple days, asking why the update had not yet reached their phones. Finally we have confirmation that it is in fact being pushed, but it’s slowly crawling our way. A few commenters as well as Google+ followers have given me the update that they had received their OTA update on Nexus S and Galaxy Nexus, where others are still tapping their fingers impatiently waiting.

With the help of those loyal readers, we can confirm that YES it is on it’s way, but you will have to just sit tight until it gets to your phone.

Tips you can try to get the update early:

  • Manually search for the update within your settings of your phone.
  • Manually set your date and time on your phone ahead by a couple weeks and search for updates again.
  •  Try |manage APPs -> ALL->Google services Framework: clear data| and do the check in code in the dialer,

    dial*#*#2432546#*#* If you did the code right the numbers will disappear and you will get a notification that says “check in complete” or something to that effect.

  • Manually search again.
  • Not the most desirable method, but rooting and flashing the 4.0.4 like everyone else is always a good option for the experienced user(or friend of the user)
  • If all else fails, try and be patient. It will come.

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