Android PhonesNews

Pre-Order your Samsung Galaxy Nexus Today at

Crazy news today. is offering pre-orders for the new Samsung Galaxy Nexus. Offering both the 16GB and 32GB unlocked models. (Link)

At first glace, it shows up at $794.99 for the 16GB model, but when dropping it in to your shopping cart, it magically turns in to $757.13 (perhaps USD?)





I ordered one myself today. The price might be a little higher than the stores might charge, but sometimes websites such as these guys are able to get stock and ship it out slightly earlier than others. On the off chance that the store release it for cheaper, such as Futureshop or Bestbuy, there is no harm in cancelling your order.

I checked out the bands, and they seem to fit our Canadian standards.

I personally pony’d up the extra cash for convenience, perhaps to get it a day or two early. Anyone else going to pre-order? give us your answer in the comments.



Want to get additional information, or chat with Tom Gray? You can find him on his Google+ page.

Link to Tom Gray’s Google+ Page.


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