Android PhonesNews

Koodo Watch Update – UPDATED

Like many others in the Android Community I am patiently waiting for my carrier of choice to make the Nexus S available. For me that involves waiting for Koodo. I have probably checked their site 15 times today waiting for something to change…..and on my last check it did! Interestingly enough though it isn’t the type of change one would expect. All week whenever you went to you would immediately see the little advertisement regarding the Nexus S and ‘Coming Soon’ with links to video and Google. No pricing (although Best Buy & Future Shop have provided that for us) and no changes to existing data plans that currently max out a 1GB before extra charges are incurred. Back to my ‘discovery’ – all mentions of the Nexus S, on the Koodo site, have seemingly disappeared.

This leaves us, in my opinion, with two possible options. The Nexus S is no longer available at Koodo (highly unlikely) or there are changes afoot on ye Koodo website (likely I hope). For those of you who care I am going with Koodo because I simply hate contracts but am not rich enough to simply drop $500 + tax on a phone. With Koodo it will cost me $275 with the remaining $150 to be paid off over 12 months. In addition to this I will be on the City Koodo Unlimited ($35) along with their 1GB data plan ($30). After a few more goodies and add ons I should come in around $80/month. Obviously I will need to watch my data usage but I am usually around wifi so this shouldn’t be an issue. If it is I can always take my factory unlocked phone and move it to another carrier.

UPDATE: Just checked the site and it is back to normal. I am going through it now and haven’t seen any changes whatsoever. Anyone out there know when it will be available. A friend at BestBuy says there is a shipment coming tonight…but that isn’t exactly a rare event.

UPDATE 2: Koodo was kind enough to contact me directly and let me know the Phone is now officially for sale. This was confirmed on their website. I expect that retail outlets will start selling them as soon as stock arrives. Koodo is happy to sell you one over the phone right now. Also of note: “This phone is only available when purchased on the Koodo Tab, or as an upgrade for existing Koodo customers. It is not available for outright purchase or as a gift order.”

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