Android Phones

Here’s A Shot Of The Note 3 Neo Next To The Note 3

Note 3 vs Note 3 Neo


The Note 3 Neo hasn’t officially been announced quite yet but after the recent spec sheet leak and now this new picture, to me, it’s more or less confirmed.  The picture you see above comes courtesy of SamMobile and is said to show off the Note 3 Neo next to it’s big brother the Note 3.

As you can see, the Neo is a tad smaller than the original but the design is nearly identical.  The back is also be nearly the same as the Neo is utilizes the same faux leather back cover as the original.  The camera looks a little different on the Neo but that’s about it.  Frankly, you probably wouldn’t be able to tell which device is which unless you had both side by side.

Still no word on when this device is slated to launch or where it’s headed but as always, we’ll keep you posted.

Note 3 vs Note 3 Neo 2

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