Android FirmwareAndroid PhonesNews

Sony Xperia S… this ICS is for you!

Remember when ICS was only 7% of the Android market?  Well, it’s ever so steadily increasing.

Today, Sony offers the Xperia S it’s taste of dessert by letting the update out.

I reviewed the phone a little while ago, and I really liked it, and I’m sure the 4.0.4 will only make it better.

With the Ray, when it updated, it had a restriction to some SKUs, which most of the Canadians seeing it weren’t applicable, but I see nothing to that effect here, but it does have:

*The availability and scheduling of this software upgrade will vary by market and carrier requirements

So, whether that means ‘not for us’, we’ll see.  I don’t see a list of which are applicable…

Update is only available the software (no OTA), but will bring you some great goodies!  Get to ‘er

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