Android FirmwareAndroid Phones

Jelly Bean Begins Rolling Out For The S3: First Up – Korea

It looks as though Samsung will be able to hold true to their word in rolling out the Jelly Bean update to the Galaxy S III this October.  According to reports, the update is now being pushed out on their home turf in Korea.  It also appears that, for the time being, the update is limited to the Korean model of the phone.

However, the fact that it’s rolling out tells us that the update is ready and will likely begin it’s world wide roll out very shortly.  So if you’ve got an international Galaxy S III, keep an eye out for a update notification in your notification bar.

For those of you who are using the Canadian version of the phone.  Sit tight.  I believe that Samsung will be rolling it out shortly.  There have already been a few builds leaked for the Canadian variant of the phone so my guess is that the final version is completed or very near completion.  We’ll just have to wait and hope that the carriers do their thing to it and do it quickly.

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