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Android 4.1 AOSP Released!!

The Google Team has released the latest Android AOSP.  Android 4.1 Jelly Bean is officially available for the public.  That means the developer community will soon be churning out the Jelly Bean goodness for all of us who have taken the leap to root and flash our phones with all sorts of rom-y goodness!

The latest installation of Android is not another drastic change like we saw from Gingerbread to Honeycomb/ICS, but rather an incremental upgrade similar to the progression from FroYo to Gingerbread.  The overall look and feel is still very Ice Creamy but with the addition of Project Butter, we get a smoother, faster, butterier Android experience.  I’m a little confused as to how Ice Cream + Butter = Jelly Bean… but I digress.  There are several other additions to 4.1 Jelly Bean as well such as better Voice Search, better Widgets, and Interactive Notifications

I for one am super excited about this news.  I can’t wait for the developers to throw some Jelly Beans at my Galaxy Note! As I’ve said before, I love this device but it does suffer from some hesitations here and there.  Some Project Butter should go a long way to remedy this small problem.

Check the link to see how Jelly Bean and Project Butter completely change how the Galaxy Nexus flows.

Project Butter Video

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