VLC ‘hourlies’ project now available for your download

It’s been a while since I last talked about the unofficial VLC app out there.  But development hasn’t died down for those tinkering with what videolan has handed out.

The latest is a new ‘hourlies’ project set up at:  http://jenkins.cvpcs.org/job/org.videolan.vlc/

Remember: you’ll have to check if your phone is capable of the neon version or non.

To do so:

If you want to know which version to use, you can go through your file system and find a file in “./proc” called “CPUInfo”, open it and look for the word NEON somewhere in the text.  [I used Astro File Manager and just up’d a lot then went into PROC, then long pressed on the file CPUInfo and chose to ‘open as’ and used ‘text’ — my Galaxy Nexus is a NEON build, whereas my Transformer is a non-neon]

I can’t seem to have it ‘keep the files’ in memory, as every time I load up the app, it rescans my phone for files.  Can take a while.

Bonus:  it recognizes the ‘offline music cache’ from Google Play Music!

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