Tired of Your Stock Clock and Calculator Apps?
One of the first thing I noticed after I installed CyanogenMod7 with Android 2.3.4 on my Rogers Samsung Captivate was the sucky Clock and Calculator apps. The ones on the TouchWiz 2.2.1 interface I had before rooting and flashing my phone actually had full functionality, like a stopwatch, a timer, and a scientific option for the calculator. Well, I searched on the Android Makret, and found two apps, StopWatch & Timer and RealCalc Scientific Calculator, that can replace your stock clock and calculator apps if they ain’t cuttin’ the mustard.
Now I won’t do an extensive review of these two apps for one simple reason. These apps simply do the job. They are free, easy to use, with a simple interface and no useless extras. Here’s a screenshot of each so you can get a fell of what they look like.

StopWatch & Timer

RealCalc Scientific Calculator