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HTC announces 5GB DropBox for users

So yesterday, HTC announced their partnership details with DropBox.

Apparently new users will get a 3GB upgrade to the normal 2GB free account from DropBox.  Now it’s not sure if it’ll apply to all current HTC users or just new ones.  But 3GB is 3GB… it’ll take 12 of you readers to click my link that *ahem* is at the bottom of the article in order to get that much free space.

This comes after we’ve all heard how is offering 50GB free to their iUsers [apparently we’re not to be left out in the dark as Android users… apparently we need to hold tight — even after we watched how TouchPad users got free space].

Personally, I like Box over DropBox [except it doesn’t allow you to get free space on referrals… like *ahem* the links I have below].  But overall, I enjoy Minus the most [which I also *ahem* have a link for below]

There’s so much going on these days with cloud space, it’s awesome.  I love it when competitors compete, as we the consumer tend to win!  Maybe I should do another review of the cloud apps?

Follow Ryan on G+

Oh, and here’s my shameless plug for more space!

Minus | DropBox | SugarSync

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