Swype by Nuance updated to 1.4 Featuring “Living Language” and “Smart Editor”
Swype has come a long way and many Android users can attest to the usefulness of the keyboard replacement software.
Some good news Swype-rs, Nuance has just updated Swype to 1.4, adding in 2 key new features: Living Language and Smart Editor. Living Language’s update includes crowd-sourced words. What does this mean? Beta users that opt in for the service will get synchronized words that are used commonly by fellow Swype users in various languages (example if you have English set, you’ll only receive English crowd-sourced words).
With Smart Editor, users will get predictive words. The way Smart Editor works, is it looks at what the user has entered, analyzes not only words but grammar and the entire sentence as a whole. It the makes corrections and allows the user to select them.
Lastly, Swype can now be installed without registering at beta.swype.com, though you will have to visit the site on your Android device to initiate the download.
Also if you’d like to try out Swype you no longer need to sign up for the beta (beta.swype.com), but you’ll have to visit their website on your Android device to download the keyboard replacement.
[via Swype]