SwiftKey Flow coming

Oh My God

Almost as much as I love my clouds, I love keyboards.  I use several all the time – just switching depending on the usage.

My top 3 are Swype and SwiftKey for my phone and Thumb for my tablet.

I love how SwiftKey has amazing prediction, but if I’m using one hand then I tend to love Swype.  For a long time I’ve asked to have Swype on SwiftKey, that’d be my favourite keyboard.  Sure, other keyboards out there do ‘swype-like’ features, but nowhere do they come as close as Swype.

Even tried Keymonk out recently to see how that would go.  Not a big fan, but interesting.

Well the email I got the other day didn’t strike me, as I was pretty busy in Toronto, so not until yesterday when I got a chance to catch up on a few things that it finally made sense to me.  And wow, am I excited!

Today we’re giving a sneak peek of SwiftKey Flow, a new approach to Android typing that means you won’t have to lift a finger.

We’re going to begin testing SwiftKey Flow right here with our VIPs over the next few weeks, so get excited and stay posted. We’ll send you an email when it’s available, but to see a video of it in action and register your interest to be among the first to get access, please visit:http://swiftkey.net/flow

Also, we recently released a brand new video of some of you, our very own VIPs, talking about the app you know and love. It’s come out really well and is our new flagship video on Google Play. Check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjGuf_hei-4&feature=plcp

I can’t wait… I’ve signed up for a beta trial… I’m stoked to reduce myself to just one keyboard.

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