Google Sky Map Dies… We Shed A Tear

I’m a couple days late on this one, but I read some bad news over the weekend. I found out that Google Sky has shut down.

I was a little sad to hear the news, as myself and many other people I know actually used this app with great joy. I remember pulling this out at night and was just dazzled by my screen, as the sky came to life before my eyes.

PhanDroid wrote:

Google has officially stepped down as head of the Sky Map project instead, open sourcing the app so that other “astronomy enthusiasts” can change/contribute, however they wish. Google also said that they will be collaborating with Carnegie Mellon University, who will see all future development of the app, by way of student projects

The Google Sky Map Team issued the official statement:

The Google Sky Map team would like to thank all of our users who have taken the time to send us comments over the past 3 years. You tell us that Sky Map has helped you show off your phone, enabled you to see the stars when the urban light pollution or weather obscured them and even find romance!


I humbly bow to Google and offer my thanks. The work put in to Google Sky was amazing, and we enjoyed it while it lasted. Just reminds us all that great things come to an end, we should cherish them while we have them.

If you’re looking to get in on the open-source code it can be found here

[Source: PhanDroid]

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