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Google Merges Their Cloud Services To Bring You 15GB To Use

Google Cloud Services


Good news for those of you who like to hoard that online cloud storage…or possibly actually use your online cloud storage.  Google has poured all their cloud services into a nice big pot and out comes 15GB of storage that you can use however you like.

Previously, this 15GB was split into 5GB for Drive and 10GB for GMail but honestly, who needs 10GB worth of GMail space?  I’d be surprised if I ever hit 1GB in just my GMail account.  However, I have been using Drive more and more to upload photos and to create different documents so I definitely enjoy the extra flexibility there.

The one kind of downside to this move is that Google has seemingly terminated the $2.49/month 25GB plan which means if you do need some extra space, you’ll have to go for the $4.99/month 100GB plan.  Personally, I’m perfectly content with the 15GB plus all my other GBs I have with other services.  And until we get unlimited data plans across all the carriers, I can’t see myself storing a lot of stuff on the cloud but that’s just me.

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