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Facebook Updates to 1.9.2, Kills Camera & Messenger Shortcuts

This might be considered old news now, but FaceBook for Android updated to version 1.9.2. As usale they don’t give a detailed change log, but what they do mention is the removal of the Camera and Messenger shortcut that was created when downloading previous versions of FaceBook.

If you hated these additional shortcuts like many others did, you’ll be happy to know they are now officially removed in the latest version of FaceBook for Android.

Link to FaceBook Via. Google Play Store.

I remember my wife coming up to me pointing at her Galaxy Nexus, “What the heck are these, how to I get arid of them?” I mention to her that they were part of FaceBook and the only way to remove them is to ‘hide’ them if your current launcher supports that, or simply remove FaceBook. Minutes later she was uninstalling FaceBook.

I understand why they add these shortcuts, but I believe they should be removable within the app itself. It’s only a matter of time before other apps and developers start doing this tie-in nonsense to clutter up our app drawers. Imagine installing one of your favorite apps, just to get a shortcut to another sponsoring app as part of advertising. Of course I’m speaking in a worst case senario, but it’s something that can quickly and easily be put in motion.


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