Deluge of updates [Maps / Goggles / Wikipedia / Data counter widget]

I love getting updates in my market.  I like to check out what’s new, and how it makes the phone better.

So, in just the 2 days since I last wrote I’ve gotten 4 (that I’ll write about here, and potentially some others) that have some big updates.

This app just appeared in the Market, on what I’m calling BLACK-SOPA day.  It was pretty great on it’s own.  Nothing to write home about, and just as good as the other options (i.e. Wapedia).  So within a couple days they’ve already come out with some updates.  Probably fixes mind you, but it shows that developers are interested in ensuring a positive experience on an Android device.

Nothing major, just setting itself to a ‘night mode’ when you enter what it knows as tunnels.  Simple… but that’s what I love about Google.

One of my favourite novelty items from Google.

This updates includes some performance fixes.

…and finally my godsend widget…

I like this as it helps me with a quick glance to let me know how much data I’ve used.  I’m on a limited plan (only 500mb… still just enough for me), and this is super useful.  Now… given that I  should have something ICS in a couple of days, this widget might end up being moot; however, most of this update deals with ICS abilities (compatibility, widget resizing, etc…).

So, there’s the apps – they’ve updated — and if you haven’t downloaded them previously … go do it now.  They’re great apps.  If you have any of them, and you haven’t seen the notification to update, just pop into the market and it should show up then.

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