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Cloud App Updates [Box & Minus]

More updates today, and not only do I love updates, but I love cloud apps.  Today was a combination of these 2 loves as both Box and Minus updated.


Ah, remember when this jewel gave us Android users some love and bonused us 50GB?  Those were the days.

Aside from some bug fixes, this update comes with better file ‘usability’.  You can now move files and folders in the cloud (versus having to save, then delete & then re-upload etc…) as well as multiple file selection.


Probably my favourite of the cloud realm.  You got 10GB free and a gig for every referral.  Didn’t take me long to get to 50 (the max).  Plus you can set up all the embedded previews… just for some reason the photo backup isn’t working for me.  So I struggle between Dropbox and this as my favourite.

This update brings a new UI.  A little ‘simplistic’, as it’s more greys now, and I liked the orange.  But besides the layout, you can now preview ani-gifs.  Which is pretty cool.

You also now can message between users – whereas you could only ‘notify’ each other before.  Not sure if I’ll really use that feature as I tend to be the only user I know.

All of this comes at a price, however.  You have to be on Eclair or better now (how many are still on 2.1 or below?… check my next post).


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