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Chrome Browser for Android ICS!

Well, this is what we’ve been waiting for!  Ever since I got my hands on my eeePad and having a browser that was, but wasn’t Chrome, I was excited to be able to have one set of bookmarks sync’d across all devices.

Alas, my experience was not that… I got a lot of sync errors and nothing seemed to work right.

Well, with today’s announcement of Chrome Beta for Android, things are looking up.

I’ve only had a few minutes to play with it thus far (busy busy day in my office, I’m already ‘working’ late), but from what I’ve seen, it’s working great.

I really like the ‘animated look’ of the whole thing.  Tabs have that cartoony feel, and ‘fling’ away when you either swipe or ‘x’ them out.

All my bookmarks are working just fine and it keeps separate your bookmarks from the phone and Google’s bookmarks from your desktop sync.

Tom has some request that it should hide the address bar… which is his opinion… but I don’t mind.  I’m just glad it’s working.

Now, it only works for ICS devices so far, hopefully they start to build on it to allow it to work on previous version, or even a way to replace the stock browser entirely (wouldn’t that be a dream).  If you’ve got ICS, go nab this now!

Thanks for the tip Mark!

So, share your experience thus far with Chrome.  What’s it missing, what should be fixed?  This is what beta is all about!

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