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Are Androids & Other Smartphones Killing Digital Cameras? [Poll]

A topic came up at work today and it really got me thinking, has the age of digital cameras come to an end?

Recalling every event I have gone to in the past two years, whether it was fireworks, the aquarium, parks and beaches, I almost never see digital cameras anymore. It appears our smartphones have taken over the market, but is this a good thing or a bad thing?

No doubt our Android phones have come a long way over the years. Some brands have more stable cameras than others, but are they worthily enough to replace your digital camera? A common issue that still haunts smartphone photographers are action shots, most phones still deal with motion blur, the lesser quality phones even suffer from shaking hands.

The obvious trade off for these minor issues that one may encounter are the instant sharing access to Social Networks, MMS, and online galleries without pulling out that USB cable and syncing to your computer first. Not to mention with the newer android phones, the ability to edit and touchup minor imperfections or add filters right on the spot.

So the big question here is; has your smartphone replaced your digital camera?

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