Discover the Best Android Apps for Your Device in 2024News

Android Market Hits 20,000 Apps!

Google’s operating system Android is no longer the fledgling platform that it was when it launched. With 2024 approaching and many new Android devices coming, the OS is gaining ground very quickly.

One of the methods in which Android will continue to grow is through the Android Market and the availability of an increasing number of applications ranging from games to producitivity applications and many more.

A website called AndroLib tracks the publication of free and paid apps on the Android Market and today, the Android Market reached an astonishing 20,000 available applications! Looking at the chart from AndroLib below, 62% of the available apps are free and 38% are paid. Unforuntately for Canadians, the latter is officially unavailable, at least for now.

20,000 applications is a great milestone to reach and the platform will only get better from here. Congratulations to Google and Android on this amazing achievement!

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