
RIM announces BBM Music

So a while back, Google announced Google Music – oh man I was elated!  Until we realized that in the Great White North we were excluded.

So when today RIM announced their BBM Music – I thought… neat.  Let’s see.  True enough they started with a market of the US and Canada.  Okay!  Of course a Canadian company like RIM will ensure that their home towns get included in the release.  Let’s see what else…

Now, I’ll admit, I’ve never used BBM, or a BB, so I can’t really relate to it, but trying to understand the thing seemed overly complicated.

It’s $5/month and you only get 50 tunes, plus whatever 50 songs others in your BBM ring have.  Now – I’m paying $5/month to pick 50 tunes and build a list from my friends’ lists?  And the 50 are chosen from their own list.  I have pretty eclectic tastes… do they have any of the ‘worlds’ in their catalogue?  Any Angus MacColl recitals?

I don’t know about you, but mostly my friends share the same music taste, so I imagine there will be large overlaps there.  And you’re paying $5 a month to share each other’s files?

What I do like about this announcement is there’s a Canadian catalogue of online music being provided.  This should be able to pave away for Google Music to be allowed into Canada at some point in the future.

Instead of buying Motorola, Google should have bought RIM.  What innovations we might have had then [and then for sure we would get Google Voice in Canada!]

What’re your thoughts?  INTERACT people.

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