
#Patentfun August 12, 2024

Okay, missed this last week (in case you were looking for it… all dozen of your or so) as I had a pretty hectic weekend.

Anyways, not much has been happening on this front as the Apple/Samsung case has really eclipsed everything.  Now, lots of  stuff has been starting to come to light because of the the case… and it’s hard not to get swept up in the whole minute-by-minute replay the internet is giving this case.

That being said, some of it is really important and I will get to it and we can discuss.

So, what has been going on:

HTC withdraws another patent from second ITC case against Apple — down from 8 to 2

Sharp agrees to license Microsoft file system patent for Android phones

While Apple tries to axe the competition, M$ is out to slow bleed them.  This one is about the use of a particular FAT system…

If Sharp uses it, how is M$ not going after Ubuntu or other opensource?

Microsoft inks their 15th Android licensing deal, Motorola still stubborn

This time it’s Honeywell.  If they’re going  after the likes of even a smaller group like Honeywell, to me that says they are doing it on principle, and going after everyone.  Whereas Apple is being very selected/targeted in who they go after.  So it’s not based on principle.

Amazon is serious about the patents arms race, looking for an IP guru

The problem that Apple has started is that it’s become infectious and we’ll all be consumed with menial lawsuits.  So some companies are starting to purchase ‘protection’.  And they say the best defence is a good offence.

RIM dodges $147.2 million damages payment in Mformation patent case

I put this in, just to show you that it’s not always Android under the gun for ridiculous lawsuits.

Apple v. Samsung – the case of the ‘you look too much like me’

Don’t let people fool you about the semantic and quasi-ethics of the case.  This whole case comes down to Apple believing their customers are too stupid to know the difference from something with an Apple logo on it, and a Samsung product.  (I think those latest “genius commercials” is truly indicative of what they think their customers are like… too dumb to figure things out on their own without hand holding from some expert).

They do not like to have competition.  They emerged as the under dog because they didn’t want one company stangle-holding the market… and now they are doing the same.  Note, they are not going after any other company… just the one that poses the biggest threat.

Samsung not allowed to use “2024: A Space Odyssey” prior art argument during Apple trial

Because, obviously allowing them to show that somebody else before Apple could come up with rectangular devices wouldn’t be fair.

Why It Matters That Samsung Copied Apple [Opinion]

a good objective article on the scenario

Apple asked Samsung to pay as much as $30 per Android phone, $40 per tablet for patent licenses

Apple’s warning to Samsung: ‘Android is designed to lead companies to imitate the iPhone’

It’s Not Just Android & iOS Fanatics: Conan O’Brien Makes Fun Of Apple/Samsung Patent War In Comedy Skit

When pop culture starts poking fun… you know that it’s no longer being taken serious by ANYBODY… Apple AND Samsung, you both are losing face with the population.

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